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University Employing Social Justice Officers To Monitor Speeches For “Offensive Content”


“Safe Space Marshals” have been hired at King’s College in London, in order to monitor speeches on campus for “offensive content.” These marshals are being paid £12 per hour to take “immiedate action” to shut down a speaker if their words come across as offensive to the audience and/or discriminatory against LGBTQ or ethnic minority students. King’s College claims to promote “free speech,” and that these marshals are only present to protect both the speaker and the audience.

These “social justice officers” also hand out leaflets and put up posters reminding all attendees that “this is a Safe Space.” According to an article in The Telegraph, prohibited speech “could include derogatory comments about someone’s age, disability, marital or maternity or paternity status, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, trans status, socio-economic status, or ideology or culture.”

These micro-aggression busters aren’t just receiving a salary of £12 per hour. They’re also receiving some extra benefits in the form of free spin classes and free fruit.

In October, three Safe Space Marshals were present during a speech by Brexit-supporter and conservative parliament member Jacob Rees-Moggs. A third-year history student by the name of Greg Hall mistook these marshals for security guards, as they were three men dressed in black.

Wait a minute, the Safe Space Marshals were three men? Way to man-monitor/mansplain what is and isn’t offensive…

The speaker of the event, Jacob Rees-Moggs, isn’t a fan of this politically-correct policy. Rees-Moggs said, “It’s absolutely weird to send marshals to check the content of the speech by an elected member of Parliament.”

The school’s Libertarian society has mounted a campaign against the policy necessitating social justice officers to maintain a “safe space.” The libertarian group’s president, Georgia Leigha, said that the fight against the marshal has been “surprisingly” popular. However, Momin Saqib, president of the university’s students’ union, still maintains the opinion that the safe-space policy is in place as a means of “protecting” students and speakers.

“KCLSU has never banned a speaker from speaking because of our safe space policy,” said Saqib. “Moreover, we strongly support free speech  — and KCLSU student groups are able to host over a thousand external speakers across our 330 Clubs and Activity groups every year.”

The Safe Space Marshals monitor speeches at King’s College to maintain a “safe space.” Their duties include recording incidents of “offensive” or “prejudiced” behavior. They’re also required to carry cell phones and are expected to take “immediate action” if any safe space policy is violated, according to The Daily Mail UK.

I wonder what the good people over at South Park have to say about the safe space policy over at King’s College…

This politically-correct policing policy sounds strikingly familiar to the one over at the University of Michigan…



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