The most entertaining aspect of a Buffalo Bills game is probably the parking lot, where alcohol-fueled tailgaters perform all kinds of crazy, reckless stunts in honor of their favorite NFL team, as well as just a plain excuse to let loose your wild side. Sunday night’s game between the Bills and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers may have inspired some communal rowdiness, as Orchard Park Police responded to over 100 calls before, during, and after the game. In other words, the Bills won in their own home town, and people were going bananas.
A police spokesperson told The Buffalo News that police and EMTs were “very busy” responding to medical calls involving alcohol consumption.
The Bills narrowly defeated the Buccaneers, with a final score of 30-27.
Then one video emerged that summed up all the rowdiness of that Sunday night victory. One fan was hype as f*ck, clutching a plastic cup full of brew in one hand, and a heart full of courage and foolishness. He jumped through a table on fire like an ECW wrestler of years past.

Alright, maybe not that extreme. But pretty damn close. Take a look for yourself.
Good thing the Buffalo Bills bro in the video had his comrades closeby to douse beer on him and put the flames. But something tells me that this won’t be the last time that guy is engulfed in flames. There’s just this sneaking suspicion. But hey, at least he had the true grit and determination to make it through the fire with beer still in hand. Hats off to this crazy mofo.
It’s safe to say that tailgating in the parking lots of Buffalo Bills games tend to be lit as f*ck. But that isn’t necessarily a good thing…
The New Era Field parking lot, in particular, is known for rowdy tailgaters during Buffalo Bills games. Crashing through flaming tables has become a popular activity among some fans. About ten years ago, one fan broke his leg when after jumping off the top of a car…
When will the madness end? Hopefully never. For LULZ & such…
But seriously, cool it, bros. On Sunday, cops in Orchard Park, NY, were flooded with calls, mostly to do with alcohol consumption. One incident on Sunday included a two-car collision, where the driver allegedly drove into a parked car before switching seats with his passenger. Both the driver and the passenger attempted to flee, but were apprehended by police. The driver, Louis J. Mueller, 32, reportedly had a blood alcohol content of 0.23, while passenger Ashley R. Mejia, 26, was said to have had a BAC of 0.19.