A teacher in South Florida has been fired after she threw an X-rated surprise party for a former student in her classroom.
According to WSVN, the party took place at Mater Lakes Academy, a charter school for grades six through 12 in Northwest Miami-Dade. Parents say that the party happened in the dance teacher’s classroom after school Wednesday.
Reports indicate that the after-school party was for one of the teacher’s former students, but children as young as 11-years-old were in attendance. Some of the decorations included dildos, penis candles, and lollipop vaginas.
via WSVN:
“In the videos, we see how they were preparing for the surprise party. And as the boy walked in, they surprised him with a hat that had a penis attached to the top and a string to be able to pull it so it can get erected,” said the mother. The party included rubber penises, penis candles, penis hats and more.
“You can’t even imagine,” said the mother. “You know, I’ve raised my daughter the proper way and never taught her anything similar to that.”
She said her daughter is extremely upset. “She couldn’t sleep last night. She woke up crying,” said the mother. “It hurts that she’s being taught this at the school where I trust she’s gonna be taken care of.”
The party happened in front of students as young as 11 years old. Mater Lakes Academy told 7News the dance teacher has been fired, but wouldn’t say who brought in the X-rated party favors.
School officials released an official statement, saying “The number one priority is the safety and well-being of our students and faculty. Once we became aware of the situation, we addressed it immediately and have taken the appropriate measures and the individual has been dismissed.”
Police are still investigating the incident. The name of the teacher responsible has not yet been released.