Earlier this year, Complex debuted Everyday Struggle, a First Take-like internet show that pits two yelling idiots against each other to see who can produce the most viral quote. So far, it’s working. Working so well, in fact, that Complex seems to be doubling down by launching a new sports talk show, Out Of Bounds, with Gilbert Arenas and, that’s right, Mia Khalifa.
Let me state that I’ve disliked Mia Khalifa (as a sports personality) long before her deal with Complex. Her transition from controversial porn star to the self-proclaimed “DC Sports Girl” has been nothing short of hilariously cringe-worthy, given that her voice aches like nails on a chalkboard and her analysis is at about a third-grade reading level.
Don’t believe me? Let’s check the tape on some of Mia’s super witty sports takes:
Ah, good one, Mia! Because breakups stink! I get it! Ha ha!
Woah, Mia, did you really take a break from apartment hunting to watch football at one of said apartments?! You must be a HUGE sports fan.
Lol! Because ESPN has so many different versions of SportsCenter!
My point is that despite her spunk and enthusiasm, Mia Khalifa’s sports knowledge is shit, and even if it isn’t, we wouldn’t know because her delivery is even worse.
Give credit where credit is due, though, as Out Of Bounds is a creative gamble and Mia was able to turn a hot streak in porn into a sports media career. That said, this show is going to likely be very, very bad, and the only way it’s going to be able to sustain itself is with viral stunts like this (and yes, stay woke, I think this was all staged, as Out Of Bounds premiere today).
And Mia, if for some reason you decide to attack us/me for this article, please make sure you @ us (@coed or @eric_italiano). We appreciate it the megaphone that is your Twitter account. Also congratulations — if anyone’s career is the embodiment of the American dream in 2017, it’s yours.