When you go to college, you’ll always have the temptation to study abroad. After all, when else in your life is it going to be so convenient to travel around the world? In fact, why not go to college in another country? Educational resources site Top 10 Colleges has offered a list explaining the average amount higher learning can cost in around 24 different countries, including a few countries that reportedly have free post-secondary education. With some of the top universities in each country included, and how many top universities in the top 100 each country has, I’m not saying you can use this list to help you choose a foreign country to study in, but it certainly does seem like the perfect way to start!
Take a look at these countries!
Average Education Costs: $11,865
GDP per Capita: $36,900
Highest Ranked University: The University of Tokyo
Universities in the Top 100: 6
Average Education Costs: $5,077
GDP per Capita: $15,600
Highest Ranked University: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Universities in the Top 100: 0
Average Education Costs: $933
GDP per Capita: $39,700
Highest Ranked University: Technische Universität München
Universities in the Top 100: 4
Average Education Costs: $13,856
GDP per Capita: $50,700
Highest Ranked University: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Universities in the Top 100: 51
Average Education Costs: $7,692
GDP per Capita: $43,300
Highest Ranked University: Australian National University
Universities in the Top 100: 6
Average Education Costs: $5,974
GDP per Capita: $43,300
Highest Ranked University: McGil University
Universities in the Top 100: 3
Great Britain
Average Education Costs: $5,288
GDP per Capita: $37,500
Highest Ranked University: University of Cambridge
Universities in the Top 100: 18
New Zealand
Average Education Costs: $3,118
GDP per Capita: $30,200
Highest Ranked University: University of Auckland
Universities in the Top 100: 1
Average Education Costs: $3,125
GDP per Capita: $42,900
Highest Ranked University: University of Amsterdam
Universities in the Top 100: 4
Average Education Costs: $1,243
GDP per Capita: $37,000
Highest Ranked University: University of Helsinki
Universities in the Top 100: 1
Average Education Costs: $600
GDP per Capita: $41,900
Highest Ranked University: Lund University
Universities in the Top 100: 2
Average Education Costs: $585
GDP Per Capita: $36,100
Highest Ranked University: École Normale Supérieure de Paris
Universities in the Top 100: 2
Average Education Costs: $530
GDP Per Capita: $38,300
Highest Ranked University: University of Copenhagen
Universities in the Top 100: 2
Average Education Costs: $596
GDP Per Capita: $55,900
Highest Ranked University: University of Oslo
Universities in the Top 100: 0
Countries Where Post-Secondary Education is Free:
- Kenya
- Uruguay
- Morocco
- Scotland
- Spain
- Norway
- Turkey
- Finland
- Greece
- Egypt
- Argentina
(*As mentioned in the above graph, public education is free in Norway)