The Boy Scouts of America made a historic announcement on Wednesday, proclaiming that girls will soon be allowed to become a boy scout.
By 2018, girls will be allowed to become Cub Scouts. They will also be able to earn the coveted rank of Eagle Scout, the organization’s highest honor.
The smallest unit of Cub Scouts will be single gendered – either all boys or all girls “Cub Scout dens will be single-gender — all boys or all girls,” the organization said in a statement. Meanwhile, the larger Cub Scout packs will be open to both genders.
Chief executive of the Boy Scouts, Michael Surbaugh said, “We believe it is critical to evolve how our programs meet the needs of families interested in positive and lifelong experiences for their children.”
By 2019, older girls will be able to join the Boy Scouts. The national organization has been around since February 8, 1910. For the first time ever, females will be able to join the group.