Every few months or so, someone will break through on social media as the world’s hottest cop or lawyer or doctor. You get the point. Today, we have the world’s hottest nurse.
Lauren Drain, a 31-year-old Florida woman, is the latest to be deemed the “world’s hottest nurse. A fully-trained cardiac nurse and personal trainer, Drain has amassed over 3 million followers on Instagram.
According to Daily Mail, Drain began her healthcare career at the age of 16 and has been a cardiac registered nurse for over eight years. Aside from being a nurse, Drain has worked in multiple fields during her career, including ICU as well acting as a charge nurse in operating theaters.
via Daily Mail:
Lauren insists she doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty and is not “just a model.”
The fitness extraordinaire has a strong passion for health, wellness and quality of life and has used every opportunity to help promote those values to her patients and clients – championing her belief that an active lifestyle is key to long-lasting health.
Lauren said: “After eight years in professional healthcare, I have never seen a natural athlete stuck in a terrible health crisis. ”
“There’s a reason for that: fit, active lifestyles reduce the risk of disease and promote overall well-being.”
According to her official website, Drain never intended to be a fitness model and that she has “a passion for health, wellness, and quality of life.”
via LauraDrain.com:
I hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and am an NASM Certified Personal Trainer. I’m always striving to expand my knowledge when it comes to nutrition, health and fitness. I have worked with top coaches in the industry, both in client and mentor relationships.
I’ve competed in multiple Spartan and Tough Mudder Races ranging 10-14 miles in length. I did CrossFit for three years and competed locally before transitioning to the WBFF shows in 2014. I’ve always tried to stay active and stimulate both the mind and body through various active hobbies. I ride dirt and street bikes, I snowboard and ski, I’m afraid of heights but will happily leap off the Sears Tower in Las Vegas or paraglide over the Swiss Alps… You may say I’m a bit crazy, but it’s working.
It doesn’t matter if she’s a fitness model or nurse, we’re still in love.