Supergirl is flying back to CW tonight for her season 3 premiere. At the end of last season, Supergirl let go of her human persona (Kara Danvers) and has completely embraced her alien identity. She’s dealing with a lot of emotional struggle on the inside, while maintaining a stern external demeanor.
“She’s really fragile at the top of the season, but only people closest to her will see that, because she’s almost solidified on the exterior and is really trying to push down whatever pain she’s felt about losing Mon-El,” Melissa Benoist told EW. “In turn, she has made this massive decision to say goodbye to her humanity and really embrace being an alien. We hear her say quite a bit in the first five episodes, ‘I’m not a human, I come from a different planet, so this doesn’t apply to me.’”
Excited for the season 3 premiere of Supergirl? Look below and find out what you need to know, so you can wath tonight’s show on your TV, PC, tablet or mobile device.
Supergirl Season 3 Premiere Viewing Details
Date: Monday, October 9, 2017
Time: 8:00 P.M. EST
Episode Title: “Girl of Steel”
TV Channel: CW
How To Watch Supergirl Season 3 Premiere Online
Check out the third season of Supergirl and watch the comic book-inspired fun on The CW live stream, but you’ll need a cable or satellite subscription to access the content.
You can also sign up for a 7-day free trail of Fubo to see Supergirl in action tonight!