Brock Chadwick, a young boy battling a rare brain cancer since March, has a special request for the community that will help him get into the spirit of things: he wants people to send him Halloween cards.
A treat for his favorite holiday
According to WGME, Brock had been diagnosed with a rare and aggressive brain cancer when he was six years old, leading him to endure intensive surgery to remove a ball-sized tumor, and even more chemotherapy and radiation at the Boston Children’s Hospital. Even after everything, doctors learned that the cancer had returned after being discharged from the Barbra Bush Children’s Hospital.
Wanting to do something nice for Brock, his family had started a Facebook page called “Team Brock,” and with Halloween coming up, they started an event called “Brocktober” or “Brocktoberfest,” asking people to send him Halloween cards. Why Halloween? Simple, it is Brock’s favorite holiday.
According to his mother, Brittney Horton, people have also been sending him candy and other Halloween-related treats, and Brock loves it so much that he has even taken to sleeping with his candy. Even getting to see the UPS man, coming to send him gifts, is said to be something of a treat. In just five days, he already received 30 cards, not to mention a few other packages.
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How Can I Send Halloween Cards to Brock?
Just use snail-mail, and send your cards to the following address:
Brock Chadwick
11 McKenney Dr.
Biddeford, ME. 04005