Vodka, the clear and precious alcoholic beverage made from potatoes, has always deserved to have a day set aside to honor it, and so it has one: October 4. While vodka is normally consumed as is, for its special day of days, it deserves to get a little festive, and so, we are going to look at the top 5 vodka cocktails you can enjoy, thanks to Maxim. And while National Vodka Day comes but just once a year, there is very little reason for you not to enjoy these drinks any day of the year…well, that we know of!
Bloody Mariko
Served in a Collins glass, this take on a “Bloody Mary,” which also uses vodka, features a tomato juice base topped off with 3 It can be garnished with shishito, pickle, or even bacon. Yes, bacon! Created by Marc Soto, it can be purchased at the Nickel & Diner in New York City. Though if you are less than ambitious, a traditional Bloody Mary can suffice, too!
Salty Dog
Created by Bonafide Provisions, this drink blends the uncanny combination of chicken broth, pineapple juice, and, you guessed it, vodka! Just make sure to garnish with some salt and lime for taste.
The Masterpiece
Vincent Van Gogh will always be the poster-boy of someone reaching fame and status posthumously, giving hope to us all out there. In other words, it was about time he got his own drink, but Van Gogh Vodka is just the start! Mixing Aperol and said specific vodka, adding it some simple syrup, this drink is finished off with a nice orange slice.
Vodka Gimlet
Served at the Diplomat Prime at the Diplomat Beach Resort in Hollywood, Florida, this drink keeps thing simple. All this vodka cocktail needs is some lemon juice and some simple syrup. And vodka…don’t forget the vodka!
Grey Goose Martini
For a lot of people, when they think of vodka, they think of potatoes, but also Grey Goose! This special cocktail blends orange bitters, lemon zest, and some Noilly Prat Original French Dry Vermouth together.