All eyes are on Nintendo, as with the release of the Switch earlier this year, many are looking to see what new games and additions this gaming company will add. Arms, Splatoon 2, and Mario Odyssey are the big headliners for this live stream, which should show some gameplay and new footage. Splatoon 2 is set for a fall 2017 release, but Arms and Mario Odyssey still have not gotten a release date.
Nintendo is opting out of a regular press conference, similar to what they have done in the past years, and will instead have a live stream that will show off its games and demos. Some news about their games has been trickling out over the past few days, with the announcement of Pokemon Ultra Moon/Sun coming out this fall, Amiibo support for the Skyrim port to the Switch, and Pokemon Tournament for the Switch.
Nintendo will have quite the display of things to see on their live stream, so you don’t want to miss a thing. Check below to see your viewing options for this event.
Nintendo E3 2017 Viewing Details
Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2017
Time: 12:00 P.M. EST
Online Site: Youtube, IGN
Live Streams: Nintendo Live Stream, Youtube/E3 live streams, IGN/E3 Live Streams