Just as Randy Orton was beginning to come up in the WWE, I was on my way out.
Stone Cold had retired and The Rock was all but a full-time actor. Triple H and The Undertaker and Kane were still running around, but at that time, the WWE was beginning to transition into a more ‘PG product’, and therefore, Attitude Era fans like myself began to lose interest.
But despite that, I always liked Randy Orton. At least far more than I liked John Cena. In fact, I’ll never understand why the WWE chose John Cena to take The Rock’s mantle instead of Orton.
Anywho, Orton, who is now one of the old guys in the WWE, was relaxing by his pool with his family over Memorial Day Weekend. However, in typical Orton fashion, he had to make sure to remind everyone that absolutely no one is ever safe from an RKO OUTTA NOWHERE, even his own son.

WWE Raw: Results, Live Update & Highlights - May 29, 2017