Former Kentucky senator and hall-0f-fame MLB player died in his hospital bed late Friday night. On the baseball diamond, Jim Bunning was a force to see, as he was very famous for his “no-hitters” during his time as a pitcher. In 1998, Bunning ran for the senate of Kentucky and he won.
Bunning has been ranked by National Journal as the second most conservative senator in the United States, in their March 2007 issue. One of the bills he sponsored was the Bunning-Bereuter-Blumenauer Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004. He remained with his role as senator until the 2010 Senatorial Race.
Jim dropped out of the race for senator in 2010, blaming his fellow Republicans for “everything in their power to dry up my fundraising.”
On Friday, May 26th, 2017, Bunning died at the age of 85. His death is contributed to a stroke he suffered in October 2016.