Back when I was a kid — I’m talking YOUNG, maybe 4, 5 or 6– around the time of Mother’s Day and Father’s, I would confusedly ask my parents, ‘Well, when is kid’s day?’
‘Silly, Eric,’ my parents would say.
‘Every day is kids day.’
That kind of logic applies to men. Men don’t need their own day, because they’ve been dominant, for like, forever. It’s 2017 and it’s time for men to realize that just because something doesn’t include them, doesn’t mean it’s an attack on their rights. The worst part is, none of the men in this story are actually angry about the matter at hand, but more about the principle they’ve made up in their head.
These idiots think that equality means everyone should be the same, but they’re missing the point. A woman’s only screening of Wonder Woman, the most iconic woman superhero of all time and one of the biggest symbols of feminism to ever exist, is a great idea, and anyone who disagrees is a sexist, straight up.
via Flavorwire:
The Alamo Drafthouse is a fun place to see a movie. And they’ve been known to do special, targeted screenings from time to time – for veterans and active military, students, that kinda thing. So last night, they announced one such event: A “Women Only Screening” of Wonder Woman. From their website:
“Apologies, gentlemen, but we’re embracing our girl power and saying “No Guys Allowed” for one special night at the Alamo Ritz. And when we say “Women (and People Who Identify As Women) Only,” we mean it. Everyone working at this screening — venue staff, projectionist, and culinary team — will be female.
So lasso your geeky girlfriends together and grab your tickets to this celebration of one of the most enduring and inspiring characters ever created.”
However, predictably, a horde of sexists came out, bashing the theater and their women’s only screening. Luckily, the Alamo Drafthouse Facebook page was quick to shut them down.

WATCH: Wonder Woman Official Trailer #1 Video