*Analysis coming right after I clean my pants*
Let’s tackle this bad boy chronologically, shall we?
The trailer opens with evil ass Cersei strutting her stuff, with a voiceover of her presumably talking to her brother lover Jaime that they are surrounded by their enemies.

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That is, indeed, true — Daenerys and her army, Euron and the Ironborne, the Dorneish, and of course, the Jon Snow and the Northerners, will all be making their way to King’s Landing at some point this season, for one reason or another.
The next character we see is Arya Stark, who, based on her clothing, is up North, hopefully, headed to reunite with her family at Winterfell.

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After that, it’s back to the Lannisters, with Cersei doing what she does best — talk shit. For what it’s worth, Jaime looks wholly uncomfortable with this entire situation. He’s long known that Cersei is a ticking time bomb, and now it’s only a matter of time before she, or the world around her, explodes. Jaime is going to have himself a tough season.

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Cut to beat-up looking Tyrion now, who’s overlooking the water from a cliff. That’s when we get out first glimpse of how MASSIVE the dragons have become.
(Quick thought/potential spoiler about the dragons: it’s CLEAR at this point that they’re the most dominant weapon in this entire world. Even with the size of the White Walker army, three dragons of this magnitude would snuff them out in a singular battle. This leads me to lead believe that the rumblings we’ve heard all these years about an ice dragon — whether they already have one or kill and resurrect one –are going to be turn out to be true. The only way the White Walkers would stand a chance if they have one of these for themselves)
We now see Daenerys arriving … somewhere? The internet will be quick to tell you that it’s Dragonstone, the land of her ancestors. To me, there’s no real way to tell.

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Now it’s Daenerys turn for a voice over, talking about how she was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms and intends to do so. It will be interesting to see this season how far Daenerys is willing to go to achieve her goals. While she is aware of her family’s history of power-crazed violence, she’s certainly inched closer and closer towards it as the show has gone on. Now that push comes to shove, and her dragons represent the most dangerous weapons in the world, it will be a big plot point this season on what type of leader Dany desids to become.

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Off to the North now, where we get our first look at our boy (Bruce Buffer voice) JONNN ‘King in the Motherf*cking North’ SNOWWWWWWW. However, it’s not his voice we hear, but Littlefinger’s, sounding like the weaseling, conniving bastard that he is.

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Littlefinger is speaking to Sansa, and as usual, he’s making a power play. Littlefinger’s eventual death (because knowledge and maniuplation won’t help when the Great War comes) is going to be one of the most rewarding in the show’s history — you heard it hear first.

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Here is one of the more interesting shots of the trailer — what appears to be a gate at The Wall opening. Rumors suggest that some key characters will be venturing beyond the wall this season, and this shot may be alluding to such.

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We then get a couple of quick shots of two characters: one of Theon Grejoy, and the other of Melisandre. What’s curious about the Melisandre shot is where exactly she is and who she’s looking down upon. I personally don’t recognize this area of the universe.

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There are a couple quick shots of Wildlings running, and Arya alone in the woods. That is when a voiceover from Ser Davos begins, explaining to someone (probably Jon) that unless they settle their differences with their enemies, the White Walkers will win.
It’s quick, but this is one of the most imporant scenes of the trailer. As Davos says (presumably to Jon) that unless that band together with their enemies, they will die, a shot of Littlefinger is shown looking SHADY AS ALL HELL. It leads me to believe that Littlefinger is going to try and scheme to have Jon killed, so he can marry Sansa, who will then be Queen of the North. This motherf*cker man –so help me god if he gets ANOTHER Stark killed.

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*enhance* *enhance*

yup, shady as hell
Davos’ speech continues, as the shots of the Dothraki are shown:

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And what appears to be a naval battle. Rumor has it that one of TWO big battles this year is a naval battle between the Greyjoy’s and Dany’s army, and this shot seems to confirm as much.

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Couple quick shots of Dany and Tyrion planning battle, Zombie Mountain makes an appearance, and then a SPLIT second scene shows a quick glimpse of Jon Snow going at Littlefinger’s throat, affirming my theory of Littlefinger’s arc this season:
Then a shot of Lannister troops inside of King’s Landing doing battle with any of their number of enemies:

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Another shot of Arya before this badlass look at the Dothraki doing battle:
A shot of Jon Snow and Tormund in North-of-the-Wall-attire, running from, something …

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Our BOY Greyjoy about it get it in (kinda) with Missandei (who is the sexiest character on the show):

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Two women hooking up, one of which looks like the crazy Dorne lady, while the other resembles, Catelyn Stark (???). That would be WILD if they decided to delve into the Lady Stoneheart storyline this late in the game, but I’d be all for it.
Couple more quick cut shots, and then, THE MONEY SHOT:

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All in all, this is EASILY the most action packed trailer Game Of Thrones has ever released, and has set the hype train fully in motion.
Game Of Thrones returns to HBO on Sunday, July 16, at 9 PM.

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