via Instagram
Memba Lance Armstrong? Memba LiveStrong? Ooooooo I memba.
Memba when Lance Armstrong did steroids and was essentially blackballed from society? Oooo I also memba.
(For those who didn’t understand a word of that, it’s a South Park reference, get a f*cking clue).
Anyway, yeah, he’s still alive and relatively thriving, I guess. Probably still has a shit ton of money, and now he’s bagged himself a solid looking wife. Good on Lance. She’s no Sheryl Crow or Kate Hudson, who Armstrong was previously linked to, but still, not bad.
The 45-year-old former Tour de France champion cyclist announced the news on his Instagram, captioning the photo, “She said….. YES!!!!”
Anna and Lance are already parents to two children: Max, 7, and Olivia, 6.