A student at Hickory Ridge High School in Harrisburg, North Carolina, fears her college future is in jeopardy after her school suspended her for a rash reason.
On Wednesday, May 17, Summer, a senior at Hickory Ridge High School, wore a green shirt that rests just off the tops of her shoulders and exposes her collarbone.
According to Summer, while she was eating lunch, the principal approached her in the cafeteria, asking if she had a jacket. She did not, so she borrowed one from a friend. However, the school saw the situation differently.
In the suspension notice from Hickory Ridge High School, the principal and Summer apparently had an interaction where the principal told Summer to cover up with a jacket. The report states Summer responded with, “I think my shirt is fine.” The principal then told Summer that her lower back was also completely exposed, so she was still not in compliance with dress code. Summer repeats again, “My shirt is fine.”
Summer says neither she nor the principal was able to reach her mother. The period ended and Summer accompanied dozens of her friends to the auditorium. Shortly after, she says the principal entered the room and ordered everyone to leave except for Summer.
Her mother was not able to be reached, so when the period ended, Summer accompanied her friends to the auditorium. Shortly after, she says the principal entered the room and ordered everyone to leave except for Summer.
“[The SRO] was within five feet of me, he had his hand on his gun. [The principal] said ‘I’m gonna give you an ultimatum. We have tried to call your mother. You either come with me to the control room to change your shirt or we will arrest you.”
Summer says she remained seated and proceeded to try to reach her mother again.
“I stayed in my seat just like a lot of role models that I have looked up to stayed in their seats,” she says. “I mean, you have to stand up for what you believe in.”
Summer says the principal instructed the SRO to arrest Summer. Before he could handcuff her, her mother called back.
Summe is an honor roll student with a 4.4 GPA and has a full scholarship to a major university. The official cause for suspension according to the letter sent home was “insubordination.”