A few weeks back it was reported that the individual investigated for allegedly stalking Malia Obama in Manhattan will not be charged.
“Jair Nilton Cardoso appeared at locations where the elder daughter of the 44th president was interning on April 10, 11 and 12, the sources said. In the first instance he even slipped past security at a building in Tribeca, got to the fourth floor and begged Malia to marry him, according to the sources.”
On April 18, the Secret Service reported the instances to the New York Police Department. The 30-year-old Cardoso was required to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.
Police did book “Jair Nilton Cardoso for stalking and harassment,” TMZ reported. However, authorities decided against charges as “Cardoso never posed a verbal or physical threat because he never got any closer than standing outside the office.”
Following a gap year, Malia will attend Harvard University starting in the fall. She graduated from DC’s Sidwell Friends School in 2016.

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