Jessica Storer, a 29-year-old former substitute teacher in Ohio, has been sentenced to prison after admitting to a having sex with a student. Stroer and her husband allegedly plied that same student with alcohol.
Storer, 29, admitted to having sex with an 18-year-old student inside of her Pandora, Ohio home Jessica had sex with the boy after she and her husband Derrick, 33, invited a group of students to come over last year.
Judge Randall Basinger sentenced her to prison for two years on Monday, May 15, after the mother-of-two pleaded guilty at a previous hearing to sexual battery.
Ohio investigators interviewed Storer on December 13 when she admitted to having sex with the teen.
via Lima Online:
Storer asked Basinger to consider her mental health. She said she has had inpatient and outpatient treatment, and is taking medication to help her with bipolar disorder and depression. Storer also pleaded with Basinger for a short sentence saying she has two children at home who have never been away from her.
The teen’s father spoke in court saying his son has tried to commit suicide twice. A representative of Crime Victim’s Services read a statement in court written by the teenage victim. He said he has been harassed at school, bullied online, and is the subject of gossip by adults.
The statement said Storer manipulated the teen while allowing him to talk to her about a bad breakup he was going through. Storer was arrested Dec. 21, following an investigation by the Pandora Police Department acting on a tip received Dec. 12. Investigators contacted the teen and he told them he was given alcohol, spent the night at Storer’s house, and had sex with her.
Storer, who was a substitute teacher through Putnam County Educational Service Center, was removed from the list of substitutes after the allegation surfaced.
The judge also ordered Storer to register as a sex offender for the rest of her life.