(Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)
Hey, psst, you…Yeah, you. Do you want to hear Hollywood A-listers and all around gorgeous people such as Margot Robbie, Charlize Theron, Alicia Vikander, Kristin Wiig and Saoirse Ronan talk about their favorite sex scenes in movie history? Pshh, what am I saying, of course you do!
There are plenty of golden nuggets from these clips, including Theron talking about a girl’s hand being on the guys “bits.” Only someone that gorgeous could get away with referring to it as “bits.”
Margot Robbie discussing the sex scene in True Romance is also a clear winner. I could listen to her read off her grocery list and be milked dry.
They also threw in Seth Rogen and Bryan Cranston talking about their favorite sex scenes too, which was fine I guess. I mean, yeah these guys are dope and Cranston’s story was actually pretty good. But, like, c’mon…You know why we’re here.
Check all of the stories out below…and be sure to crack a window or something. It’s getting hot in here.