(Photo by Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney)
I’ve LONG been banging on the ‘Rock For President 2020’ drum, loudly and proudly.
Here’s something I wrote back in 2016:
I whole heartedly believe The Rock is capable of being The President of The United States. I mean, hell, the Republican party has already handed the nomination to someone completely unqualified, so throw that argument out the window. Even though The Rock has no political experience, at least he seems like a genuinely decent and caring human being, unlike Donald Trump.
The Rock is also the definition of the American dream. Famously rising from poverty, The Rock now own’s his own production company. That company, called “Seven Bucks Production”, is about a moment in time when The Rock only had $7 in his pocket.
And it’s not like this in uncharted territory, as an actor has been our President before. In fact, that President, Ronald Regan, is considered one of the greatest in our nation’s history. Plus, just imagine other leaders of the world having to shake hands with President Johnson. They would respect him more than Trump or Hillary, that’s for sure.
Now here we are a year later, and this whole ‘Rock For President’ thing has gained some serious steam. The Rock has addressed it multiple times, acknowledging that it’s something he has put serious thought into over the last year.
Now, the idea of The People’s Champ becoming the People’s President has gained so much traction that Vegas sports books have begun taking bets on The Rock becoming the next President.
via Mashable:
True to form, Vegas is already all over it as sportsbook Bovada has updated its odds on who will win the 2020 presidential election. While Trump is still the overall favorite, there are some rather unconventional names that have better odds than a lot of familiar political names. The Rock, for instance, comes in at 66-1 (if you bet $100, you win $6,600). Sure, those feel like long odds. After all, Oprah Winfrey, who shot down rumors she would run for president, comes in at 55-1.
But The Rock, who recently said he’d be open to running, still outranks some notable political 2016 names like Martin O’Malley, Rand Paul, and Jeb Bush — yes, poor ol’ Jeb — who all sit at 80-1. And The People’s Champion also out-distances 2016’s attempted third-party spoilers Jill Stein (300-1) and Gary Johnson (500-1).
The Zuck weighs in at 33-1, which puts him alongside some actual contenders like Republican Senator Marco Rubio, Democratic Senators Kamala Harris and Tim Kaine, and New York gajillionaire Michael Bloomberg, who all share 33-1 odds. Facebook’s Zeus also gets better odds than Republican Senator Ted Cruz (40-1), UN Ambassador Nicki Haley (40-1), Mitt Romney (60-1) and Ohio governor John Kasich (60-1).
At this point, I would be surprised if The Rock didn’t run for President. If it’s not in 2020, it will certainly be in 2024.
What is key for a potential Rock campaign is the fact that he’s been smart enough to never paint himself into a political corner. Other than the fact that he spoke at the 2000 Republican National Convention, supports the troops, and does not support Trump’s immigration ban, not much else is known about The Rock’s political leanings. He already has the built-in likability — seriously, who doesn’t love The Rock — so if he’s able to build a strong campaign, The Rock would have a legitimate chance at winning.
If you ask me, 66/1 is the steal of the century. Get those odds while they’re hot.

The Rock Says Running For President Is A Real Possibility