Look man, even if you don’t root for the Yankees, if you’re from New York and you don’t respect Derek Jeter, I do not f*ck with you as a human being. Let Elon Musk and Richard Branson send your ass to Mars for all I care — any New Yorker worth a damn loves Derek Jeter.
Here’s what Derek Jeter did while being the face of New York City, simply put:
- Won
- Slept with models and actresses
- Didn’t get in trouble
What more could you want from the face of your city? The bi-racial angel that is Derek Jeter did showed up in New York, delivered championships, crushed pussy, stayed loyal, and retired. Then, like, I don’t know, two days after he retired, he married and knocked up Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover model Hannah Davis.
Long story short — Derek Jeter is what every sports star should be.
This Sunday, the Yankees will be retiring Jeter’s iconic #2, and in anticipation to the historic day, Jeter and his company The Player’s Tribune released a tear-jerking thank you video to the city of New York.

Hannah Davis: 22 Hottest Photos of Derek Jeter's Fiancee