I’ve written a lot about Kylie Jenner for this company.
And if we’re being honest, I’ve probably written about her too much. But she brings in the money and she’s certainly easy to look at, so whenever I can write about her, I do. It’s a win-win. She gets her PR, COED gets its pageviews, and I get to scroll through Kylie Jenner pictures for half an hour. Dubs all around.
But, usually, when I write about her, I’ll say something like ‘her body was crafted with black magic’ or that she ’causes me to have an existential crisis.’ I’ve called her a cyborg for being made of mostly artificial material and I’ve said and an experiment in the reaches of plastic surgery. Needless to say, I’ve never been too kind.
But today, I come to you a humble man, as there may be more to the Kylie Jenner that meets the eye.
This week, Jenner, and her mother, Darth Vader, were visiting Peru where they met with children who need to undergo cleft palate surgery. Working alongside the non-profit charity Smile Train, Jenner created a special shade of her makeup that 100% of the proceeds go to the charity.
So far, Jenner has donated nearly $1million to fund surgery for babies to undergo cleft palate surgery
Now, before you’re all like ‘well, she’s super rich, she should be donating!’ While that’s a fair point, let me ask you this: when was the last time you donated to charity? Sure you can’t donate millions, but how about $50? Exactly. Just because people can do something, doesn’t mean they actually will. Whether it’s for PR or not, Kylie Jenner is out in the world donating to a good cause, and for that, I have to give her credit.

Kylie Jenner Sasha Samsonova Photos: Must-See Pictures

Kylie Jenner Vacation Pictures: Must-See Bikini Photos