Nick Krause’s Twitter
We’ve got another airline incident on our hands, as the friendly skies have recently turned into the skies from Twister. On Sunday, Southwest’s Flight 2530 departed from Dallas, Texas and made a stop in Burbank, California. While people were exiting the plane before the flight would continue to Oakland, two men got into a violent fistfight.
It’s not clear what started this altercation, but it’s very evident that it’s now imperative to enroll in a martial arts class before booking a flight. You can watch the brawl in the video below.
Kudos to the other passengers for doing their best to break it up. I would’ve just sat back, enjoyed my complimentary peanuts, and took in the action.
Via ABC7, here’s the fallout from the fight.
The suspect was arrested on suspicion of assault and battery, while police said the victim suffered a contusion to his left eye, a laceration to his nose and a chipped tooth.
Burbank police identified the suspect as Chaze Mickalo Cable, 37, of Lancaster. He was arrested for assault and battery and held on $50,000 bail.
Long car rides have never been so appealing.

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