Christopher “Big Black” Boykin of Rob & Big fame passed away this evening at the age of 45.
Big Black was born on January 13, 1972, in Raleigh, Mississippi. He rose to fame on the hit MTV series Rob & Big. He was like a real-life human teddy bear. Many will miss this gentle giant who entertained the masses. He stayed with the show from 2006 until it’s conclusion in 2008, when it was announced that Big Black would be a father.
Boykin sporadically returned to television on Dyrdek’s show Fantasy Factory.
Rob & Big was the ultimate buddy show. You can see the love he had for his boy Rob Dyrdek. He’s left us all with many great quotes and sayings for us to live by. Let’s celebrate the life of this super-entertainer, musician, body guard and Guinness World Record holder.
Christopher ‘Big Black’ Boykin Quotes: Best Quotes & Most-Famous Sayings
“Fat man’s funk…smells like rump.”
“Do work son!”
“22’s son, 22’s!”
“I need a 6X shirt with rhinestones on it.”
“Oh no…I’m a male stripper…I got moves.”
“Let a bum live the ‘Street Dreams’…that’s all he’s got.”
“Dude, I’m saying no mud around my weiner.”
“Put ya ham on him son……put ham on him.”
“That’s what happens when you put your faith in wallpaper.”
“Smell like doo-doo in here?”
“Thats alright man. We gotta do what we gotta do to get a champion in this house.”
“When your body is tired…exercise your mind.”
“You kick me… I’m kicking your ass!”
“We’ve got to come in hot!”
“These chairs right here, not massive ass certified….Boy coming in hot with some ass power…look at this….thats half a cheek on there.”
There’s some good girls on the Space right now.

Christopher 'Big Black' Boykin Cause Of Death: How Did Big Black Die?