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Utah Teenager Arrested For Filming His Friend Kill Herself


Tyerell Przybycien, an 18-year-old in Utah, has been arrested after he helped his friend buy the materials to commit suicide and took a video while she did it.

Prosecutors allege that Przybycien, 18, from Spanish Fork, Utah, told police that he ‘wanted to watch someone die.’ He was arrested and taken to the Utah County Jail on Saturday for investigation of murder and reckless endangerment.

The deceased girl, who has yet to be identified, was found hanging from a rope in a tree around 7:30 A.M. on Saturday. Near the body were plastic bags one containing a handwritten note from the girl stating that ‘if there were any questions to watch the video,’ a cell phone, and a receipt for the rope with Przybycien’s name on it.

Via Desert News:

Utah County Sheriff’s Sgt. Spencer Cannon said the two can be heard talking to each other as they made preparations.

“You can clearly see the victim (in the video) with a noose around her neck while standing on a rock,” the investigating officer wrote after charging the phone and watching the recording on it. “Przybycien is heard asking the juvenile to say something. The female victim then inhales a large dose of the industrial strength air duster and loses consciousness.

“Przybycien then continues to film this incident on camera for approximately 10 to 11 minutes. Przybycien never offers assistance at anytime, and can be heard asking her to move or say something.”

Cannon said the girl, who was reported missing by the Spanish Fork Police Department that morning, was friends with Przybycien and that they were at a store together purchasing the supplies found at the scene.

Furthermore, according to Cannon, the girl struggled with mental health issues and thoughts of suicide in the past. However, investigators do not believe Przybycien encouraged her to kill herself.

Police said that Przybycien returned to the scene of the crime while officers were still there:

“He confessed to purchasing the industrial strength air duster, purchasing the rope, driving the victim up to the location, helping tie the noose, and filming the incident which resulted in the death of the victim and taking no action to stop it or render aid,” the affidavit states.

“Przybycien also stated that he, too, was suicidal and wanted to watch the victim die to see if it was something he could go through with himself. During questioning, Przybycien also expressed feeling that he was responsible for her death and that she would still be here if he hadn’t helped her.”

Investigators do not believe Przybycien physically forced the girl to tie the noose around her neck or inhale the air cleaner.

When asked if this was supposed to be a suicide pact, Cannon said, “There may have been some consideration of that.”

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